Speaker: William Davies
William Davies
The Trading Space
William is a young entrepreneur, Forex trader, who has been in the markets 5 years. His goal is to inspire other new traders to commit and dedicate themselves to their goals of trading, he created ‘The Trading Space’ in 2023 order to help others gain the knowledge & tools to make their trading journey easier.
Meet Will at the show
Coming Soon…
About Us
IX Media provides innovative and successful solutions for retail investors and traders to learn how to manage financial trading. The company also helps service providers target and engage active retail investors and traders. The company manages a portfolio of brands including ‘IX Investor Show’ & ‘IX Trader Show’ in-person events and ‘Round the Clock Trader’ online magazine events for traders.
IX Media is pleased to work closely with affiliated events, London Investor Show and London Trader Show. For further information, or to book your stand or space, please contact simon@ixmedia.uk or call 020 7193 4540.