Live Trading Pit - FREE with your Entry Ticket
Crown Room | 2nd Floor
‘Live Trading Pit’ is a dedicated area within the IX Trader Show where you can get up close to REAL traders, trading REAL markets, in REAL time!
Forget demos and looking at past charts with historic buy and sell signals. By listening and watching Clive Arneil and his team of traders you can understand how to read live charts, when to trade and when to exit.
Clive Arneil
Money market career started in the U.K in the early 1980's. Clive went on to work in Switzerland, Germany and the U.S as a professional money broker trading most FX instruments for over 25 years. Clients included Nat West, Barclays, Bank of America, UBS, Hill Samuel, Bankers Trust, Citibank, Chase Manhattan,1st National Bank of Chicago and the Bank of England to name a few. Today he is still busy trading, speaking at Money Market events and works in consultancy roles with some of the U.K's major players. Actively trading day-to-day he continues to share his thoughts live within The Sharp End Trading Room and teach people the fine art of Trading.
- 9.00 am
Trade Preparation for the Day
- 10.30 am
FX presentation with Senior Trader Dave Dixon.
- 11.00 am
join us as we trade FX, Stock Market Indices, Precious Metals and Oil
- 12.00 pm
Open Forum - an ask the Trader session.
- 1.30 pm
Trading U.S figures
- 2.00 pm
Trading the U.S Oil
- 2.30 pm
Trading the U.S Stock Market open
- 3.30 pm
Managing the trader portfolio
- 4.00 pm
Trading Closes
The Sharp End is a Members Only Trading Club
It’s Founders and Senior Traders are;
An ex Nat West Dealer.
Specialist fields – FOREX and Fixed Income.
An ex ICAP Money Broker.
Specialist fields – Indices, Oil and Gold.
An ex Cantor’s Market Data Analyst.
Specialist fields – Equites and FX.
About Us
IX Media provides innovative and successful solutions for retail investors and traders to learn how to manage financial trading. The company also helps service providers target and engage active retail investors and traders. The company manages a portfolio of brands including ‘IX Investor Show’ & ‘IX Trader Show’ in-person events and ‘Round the Clock Trader’ online magazine events for traders.
IX Media is pleased to work closely with affiliated events, London Investor Show and London Trader Show. For further information, or to book your stand or space, please contact or call 020 7193 4540.